Friday, June 24, 2016

{ Ryker By: Erin Trejo ~ Release Blitz }

💀💀 Ryker by Erin Trejo is #Live 💀💀

Ryker (Fallen Angels MC #3) by Erin Trejo
Also Available on #KindleUnlimited

Choosing to settle with this chapter of Fallen Angel’s seemed like the right choice. I’ve always felt like I fit in with these guys. Once the old president was out, I knew this would be the place I called home. I love it here, they are my family. They stuck by me even when I made mistakes. We all make mistakes right? My mistake drug my family into a war I wasn’t sure we were ready for but the day I stepped foot into that makeshift house, I knew my world was forever changed.

My family never wanted me. I was a tool to use in their little games. I was a pawn. Being traded to a rival club for drugs and money didn’t surprise me all that much. Did it hurt that my own family didn’t want me? Yeah, more than anything but that day a rough rugged biker came into my room changed that. When Ryker ripped his name patch off and placed it in my hands, I knew things were going to change.

Rival clubs collide, lives are lost. Can Ryker find it in himself to stay away from Jersey? Can he help her out of her current situation and walk away?


5 Stars
The love I have for this series continues to grow
This review is from: Ryker Fallen Angel's MC 3 (Volume 3)
The love I have for this series continues to grow!
Ryker, tough, independent, ladies man who has finally found a place to call home. Being a Fallen Angel has been a rewarding and trusting experience for him. He has club jumped for years never fitting in until now.
Jersey has been traded by her family as payment in exchange for drugs. Being held prisoner and forced to participate in unwanted sexual acts, feeling as though she was never meant to have a happy life. Until a rugged and rough biker showed up, ripped his name patch off his jacket and promised to return for her.
The rivaling clubs battle as the Fallen Angels protect Jersey as one of their own. The club that "owns" her wants her back and so does the family that sold her.

Will Ryker and the Angels be able to protect her from those that hunt her? Will

Jersey be able to have the life she has dreamed of?
Take a wild ride with the Fallen Angels to find out~

Stepping inside, I can already tell this is going to be worse than I thought it would be. This place is beyond disgusting. It should be fucking condemned.
“What the fuck Bone?” Glancing over at him he shakes his head. I know he isn’t into this shit. He never was like that.
“I told you brother. I don’t like this shit either. Go ahead up the stairs. I’ll let you know when it’s time to go.” With a quick glance over my shoulder at Bone, I turn to the stairs.
“This is some shit brother.” I don’t even have to answer Torch,this is not some shit I wanted to see.
“Take left, yeah?” Torch nods as I start opening doors. I’m in no way prepared for what I find behind door number one.
Four girls to a room. They all look high as hell as they lie there looking at me. They’re broken. All of them. They lie there damn near naked high out of their minds. They wouldn’t know what the fuck was happening to them at any given time. The worst part, half of them look to be around Bella’s age. My blood boils in my veins as I step back out of the room.
Spinning around I slam my fists into the wall outside the door when Torch comes out. The man looks like he’s going to be sick. Just the fucking way I feel.
“I can’t do this shit brother! Those are fuckin’ kids!” Torch looks like he’s on fire right now. I know that feeling all to well. My body hums with hate. I want to walk out of here and blow the fucking Dusts’ out of this fucking world.
“FUCK!” Growling Torch runs his hand over his face.
“We have to get through here. Once we’re back at the clubhouse, we need to discuss shit.” Attempting to control my anger isn’t working out for me, I walk to the next room.
Room after room it’s all the same. Young girls held against their will and drugged. What the fuck kind of monsters have the Dusts’ turned into?
As much as I want to beat the fuck out of someone right now I need to keep my focus on the task I was sent in to do. Finding those girls may be the key to finding out where this shit started.


About the Author:
Erin Trejo is a wife, mother, child chauffeur and author. She loves being able to create different characters and spin a web that makes them come together in the end. Her books do not stick to just on genre, they span many.
She writes about things that are real life situations and fairy tales are not always smooth sailing. Her MC books are hard and gritty and they have struggles just like you would in life. She also has books that are not so in your face. There are several that are good love stories that are fraught with issues that the characters have to deal with.

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